Classic and more advanced payment methods

Sumeria offers all the payment cards you could possibly need. From the classic plastic card for paying and making ATM withdrawals free of charge abroad, to virtual cards for secure online purchases and subscriptions, as well as a black card with extended limits for greater freedom.

Les cartes Sumeria
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Physical card

A Visa card to pay and make ATM withdrawals anywhere. It’s an immediate debit card – with or without contactless payments – and above all: it’s free abroad, no extra fees.

Two cards are available: the classic card, free of charge, and the black card, with extended limits and insurance, for €9.90 per month.

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Les cartes paiement mobile Sumeria

Mobile payment via Apple Pay and Google Pay

Sumeria cards are compatible with Apple Pay and Google Pay. They allow you to make secure contactless payments with your phone as well as your smartwatch.

Even for amounts over €50.

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Les cartes virtuelles Sumeria

Virtual cards

One-click, on-demand and single-use card numbers for secure payments on any website, without revealing your main card details.

Once the payment is validated, the numbers self-destruct.

And for all your online subscriptions, simply create a card for the duration of your choice.

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Les virements instantanés avec Sumeria

Instant wire transfers

With Sumeria, wire transfers are free and instant by default. Be it standard transfer using an IBAN or by using the recipient’s phone number.

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