Sumeria+ financial management tools

Simple, well designed tools to help you control your spending and manage your finances more effectively.

Les comptes budget Sumeria
S+ Spendings

Spend tracking graphs

Clear graphs that allow you to see how much you’re spending per week or per month – and adjust your spending accordingly if you’re overspending – so you can manage your budget more effectively.

Transactions are automatically divided into different spending categories (“Supermarket”, “Restaurants”…) according to your spending habits.

S+ Alerts

Personalised alerts

You can set up alerts in an instant to keep a close eye on your spending and your budget.

Account balance too low, payment over a certain amount, weekly balance… You choose which alerts you want to receive, by email or via a notification on your phone.

S+ Budget account

Budget accounts

Accounts to organise your money into clearly defined budgets, just like the envelope method.

Allocate the amount of your choice to each budget account, along with a label (“Shopping”, “Holidays”, etc.): a gauge tracks your spending and tells you how much money you have left to use each day to stay within the limits you’ve set yourself and not spend more than you planned.

A reminder is also sent out at the beginning of the month to ensure that your budget account(s) are always well-stocked.