Everything you need to know about Sumeria's safety
Lydia Solutions is designed and verified in France according to the highest standards of banking and IT security. Asymmetrical RSA keys, symmetrical 256-bit data encryption, SSL communications, perso…
What are the app’s security measures?
To guarantee the security of the customers and their money, Sumeria has put in place numerous security measures at every stage of the application's use. T hey are designed to ensure that only the own…
Information relating to video selfies
The video selfie is an account authentication method put in place by Lydia. The user can be asked to take a video selfie in two cases: when requesting a password reset or in order to obtain a verified profile.
My listed bank accounts appear in-app. Is this risky?
The short answer is no. A cheque book sometimes contains bank account details. In the same way, the Lydia app contains IBANs to help the user find their details easily. This also poses no risk. Role…
Funds protection measure and security
Customer funds are guaranteed. The money customers have on their accounts is guaranteed by the Fonds de Garantie des Dépôts fund up to €100,000 in accordance with European regulations. This means tha…