Blocked account
There are three reasons why a Sumeria account can be blocked. The customer has entered the wrong password too many times (most common). Sumeria has locked the account for security reasons.. The custo…
Forgotten password
A password is as easy to create as it is to forget. Fortunately, Sumeria has a secure backup process in case a customer has forgotten it. First of all, customers have to make sure that the app is up-…
How do I recover my Lydia account without a password?
There are several ways to recover your account when you have forgotten your password. You will be asked to record a very short video of you. A “video selfie” in other words. We will compare the perso…
SMS never received
Verification by SMS (text message). For each connection to the application, customers will have to confirm the receipt of a text message by entering the code it contains. Several reasons might explai…
I created my account with the wrong email address
If the customer has made a mistake on his e-mail address when creating his account, or no longer has access to his e-mail address, he must correct it as soon as possible. Customer logged in. Customer…