Manual Miscellaneous Incidents Requirement for identity verification

Requirement for identity verification

Following the publication of the decree n° 2023-63 on February 3, 2023, Lydia is required to verify its customers’ identity.

Requirement for Lydia and its customers

To combat fraud, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of the Interior published a decree compelling establishments such as Lydia to verify the identity of their customers if they've been registered for more than 12 months.

In other words, customers whose identity has already been verified will not be affected. However, customers who created their account a few years ago without following the verification process will be affected.

Customer's information

Customers whose identity hasn't been verified 12 months after creating their accounts have 2 months to do so.

In which case, Lydia sends customers an email offering them to:

This email marks the beginning of the 2 months period agreed upon to let them verify their identity. Otherwise, Lydia will have to close their account to comply with the new regulation.

Customers who want to close their account but still have money on their Lydia balance must send their bank details so the relevant team can make their funds available back to them before closing their account.

Encountering difficulties

Should customers encounter any difficulties to verify their identity or to close their account, they are advised to reach out to customer service at