Manual Other services Loans About the express loan

About the express loan

As of April 2, 2024 customers can no longer request to open a revolving credit. Already opened revolving credits will remain available up to June 27, 2024.
Access to loans is only possible, as of now, for customers owning a French phone number starting with +33.

Customers can borrow between €100 and €3,000 credited instantly or within 7 to 8 days on their account.

A credit must be repaid. Customers must check their ability to repay before making a commitment.

Ask for and receive an express loan

Customers can request a loan by navigating to the "Credits" section from the home screen.

  • For a loan between €100 and €500, the money is immediately credited to the customer's account, for a repayment over 3 months.
  • For a loan between €500 and €1,500, the money is credited on the customer's account either:
    • immediately, for a repayment over 3 months
    • within 7 to 8 days, for a repayment over 6 to 36 months
  • For a loan of more than €1,500 and up to €3,000, the money is credited on the customer's account withing 7 to 8 days for a repayment over 6 to 36 months.

The express loan is a contractual commitment: borrowers commit to repay the entire amount borrowed to the lender, plus costs, detailed below.

Cost of a loan

Like any other loan, the express loan is a paying service, with variable and fixed costs, depending on the plan that is chosen and the amount that is borrowed.

For a loan repaid within 3 months

In this case, the express loan is not a consumer loan, but a payment solution.

Customers pay costs linked to the amount of the loan. Should customers want to receive the money immediately, no fixed costs will apply in addition to the costs below.

Amount borrowed

Negligible costs

Borrowing rate


€100 - €1,500




For a loan repaid over 6 months or more

The loan is a revolving credit.

Repay period

APR excluding optional insurance

6 months


12 months


24 months


36 months


For a more precise estimate of the costs, customers can simulate an express loan in-app.

A credit must be repaid. Customers must check their ability to repay before making a commitment.

Loan repayment

Repays are made in several monthly instalments, automatically debited from the customer's account, via banking card or from the IBAN given during subscription.

Regarding loans repaid by card, a pre-authorization corresponding to the amount of the first monthly instalment is required from the customer during their subscription. After validation or refusal, customers are immediately refunded.

For loans repaid over 3 months, these monthly instalments are debited at 30, 60 and 90 days after the date of subscription.

For loans repaid over 6, 12, 24 or 36 months, these monthly instalments are debited on the 5th of each month, at least 30 days after the date the funds were loaned. This type of loan is a revolving credit and can be repaid early by contacting their loan provider, our partner FLOA Bank. Their contact details are available in the loan details, directly in-app or below.

Customers can monitor their repayment schedule from the app.

Eligibility criteria for the express loan

Our partner reserves the right to decide if customers are eligible to this offer.

Personal information customers agreed to share with the bank are used to consider their request.

The answer is definitive from the moments the funds have been loaned.

Costs payment, by card or SEPA transaction, confirm the subscription.

Right of withdrawal

Customers can exercise their right of withdrawal to cancel their loan application within the 14 days following the date of subscription.

To learn more about the cancellation of an express loan, click on this link.


For any questions regarding the justification of the automatic response obtained when requesting for a loan, or to a current loan, customers may directly reach out to the credit partner.

FLOA Bank customer service team is available via email at: or by telephone at 09 69 39 11 86 (toll-free call from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 8 pm, and on Saturday from 9 am to 6 pm).

Customers must mention their customer reference during any phone calls, which they can find on the screen used to monitor their current loan.

To check out the terms and conditions applicable to the loan with FLOA Bank, click here.

Some legal background

The express loan is presented by Lydia Solutions, a simplified joint stock company registered in Paris, under the RCS number 534 479 589 with a capital of €1,478,203, established at 14 avenue de l'Opéra 75001 Paris, hereinafter referred to as "Lydia" or "Lydia Solutions" holder of the Lydia brand and registered as a Mandataire en Opération de Banque et Service de Paiement with the ORIAS under number 18007465.

Lydia acts as authorized representative of FLOA Bank, a public limited company registered in the Bordeaux Trade and Companies Register (RCS) with a capital of 42,773,400 euros, whose registered office is located at Bâtiment G7, 71 Rue Lucien Faure, 33300 Bordeaux. FLOA Bank is a credit institution subject to the supervision of the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (bank code: 14628) and registered as an insurance or re-insurance broker and insurance agent with the ORIAS under number 07028160.