Paying with Google Pay

Customers can use their Android phone to pay contactless in any store, using Google Pay. Users just have to approach their mobile to the payment terminal device. A single "bip" sound will let them know payment has gone through.

Why should I use Google Pay in-store? 

When paying contactless, it is always better choosing a phone over a debit/credit card. Simply because...

  • It is safer than the card: every payment needs to be authorised thanks to a biometric authentication or to a PIN code.
  • Fast: payment is made in less than a second. Users instantly receive a notification on their phone that sums up the transaction (amount, date, time).
  • Without amount limit: users can pay €1 or €1,000 using contactless mobile payment. On the contrary, credit cards are limited to €30 per contactless payment.

Paying in-store with Google Pay 

There are two scenarios:

For a purchase inferior to €30, users just have to "wake up" their phone and approach it to the payment terminal.

For a purchase superior to €30, users have to unlock their phone and to approach it to the merchant's terminal.

In both cases, a "bip" sound will indicate payment has gone through.