Manual Offers Sumeria+ The envelope method: budgeting accounts

The envelope method: budgeting accounts

The envelope method to organize daily expenses

The envelope method allows customers to organize their money and have a better grasp of their daily expenses. Budgeting accounts help customers apply this now widespread method virtually and securely. Customers can monitor their transactions by specific expense types (Leisure, Shopping, Groceries...). They can create as many budgeting accounts as they have expense types. By activating the "budgeting" feature on their account, a gauge appears to track: 

  • the evolution of monthly expenses to see the consumed portion of the budget
  • the ideal daily amount not to exceed 
Account management 

Customers can create a budgeting account by tapping "New account" at the top of their home screen. By choosing "Budgeting account", they can add a name and a budget linked to a specific expense type. They can also choose the date to which they will be reminded to credit their account.

Customers can credit their budgeting account with funds from their main account or from an external account via instant transfer to the budgeting account's IBAN.

They can spend the money on their account directly with their card. Before making a transaction, they can choose the account they want to be debited. They can also change the debit account after the transaction, by tapping "transaction detail".

A "Budget Planner" is available on Sumeria's website so customers can plan a budget taking their fixed and planned expenses into consideration.