Manual Keeping track of money Analyses Learn more about the analyses

Learn more about the analyses

The new analysis feature reveals intriguing facts about a user's activity with Lydia over the last 12 months. Available to all users, these analyses unveil pleasant surprises!

Accessing the analyses

To access the analyses, users can simply follow these easy steps:

  1. Go to the 'Account' tab within the app.
  2. Click on the 'Analyses' section.

Alternatively, from their mobile device, users can click on this button:

Understanding the analyses

All information about card payments or Lydias between friends that originate from shared accounts is taken into account in the analysis. In other words, if someone makes an expense from one of your shared accounts, this payment will be included in your own analysis, even if you are not the one who initiated the payment.

Here's an overview of the unique information revealed in the analyses:

  • Friends who reimburse you: Users can see the friends who have sent them the most Lydias.
  • Friends you reimburse: Users can see the friends to whom they've sent the most Lydias.
  • Most visited merchants: Users can see the merchants where they've made the most payments.
  • Highest-paying merchants: Users can see the merchants at which they've spent the largest cumulative amounts.
  • Biggest expenses: Users can see the highest expenses they've made.
  • Number of payments: Users can view the categories in which they've made the most payments.
  • Total expenses: Users can see the categories in which they've made the highest cumulative expenses.
  • Lydia Information: Various details about the user's Lydia account.
  • Other Information: Details about the user's debits and credits.